Conveyor Carrier Parts

Bulk Transport Conveyor Rubber EP Belt

Food Transfer Conveyor PVC PU Belts

Belt Splice Mechanical Elevator Bolts Plate Fasteners

Load Carrier Pipe Rollers Conveyor Idlers

Material Lifting Conveyor Drum Pulleys

Machinery Power Drive Parts

Machinery Power Transmission Nylon Leather Belting

Drive Motor Wedge Banded Cogged V Belts

Flexible Shaft Connections Pump Marine Drive Couplings

High rpm Belt-drive Taper Bush V Timing Pulley Sheaves

Sizes of pvc-belt, sizes of PU, Sizes of PVC-PU-Conveyor-Belt,Sizes thickness PVC-Belt, sizes of pvc-belt thickness, thickness width sizes, thickness sizes produced, belting thickness

PVC PU Belt Sizes

Belt width sizes 100 mm (= 4 inch ) to 2800 mm (= 112 inch )

REGULAR standard conveyor belt widths sizes produced (mm) : 600, 750, 900, 1000, 1200, 1950

Thickness of PVC Belt and PU Belts Produced by HIC Conveyor

rough top conveyor belt HIC Universal

PVC-food quality White belts smooth surface finish thickness sizes produced 1.6, 2, 2.7, 3, 5, 6 mm

PVC Green or Black color conveyor nitrile belting thickness sizes produced 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5 mm

Regular standard pvc-conveyor belting thickness sizes manufactured : 2 mm, 3mm, 5mm

Pebble Top conveyor-belt also being produced.

PVC Belt Bottom Coating Manufactured by HIC Conveyor

pvc conveyor belting surface finish HIC-Universal

Pvc conveyor-belt bottom surface Food quality White or Green- Black color pvc coated having total-belt thickness 3, 5, 6 mm

Bare Bottom polyester fabric surface PVC-belts having total-belt thickness 1.6, 2, 2.7 mm > bare bottom pvc-belt suggested where no bottom conveyor-roller support is available

Rough Grip pvc-belt Top-PVC bottom bare surface having total-belt thickness 5 mm

Ribbed pvc-belt Top-PVC bottom bare surface having total-belt thickness 3.5 mm

PU belt FDA quality Top Polyurethane White Gloss bottom bare having total-belt thickness 1.6

Ply Number of Layers in PVC Belts Produced by HIC-Universal

FDA quality pvc conveyor belt and non-food grade green PVC belts HIC Universal

Polyester Mono-filament fabric ply layers pvc-belt 1, 2, 3 as per total thickness desired STRAIGHT

Tea, Vegetables, Fruits, Poultry transfer quality White Food pvc-belt plies 2, 3

Sugar, Seafood, Meat transport or conveying use White Food quality pvc-belt plies 3

Length of HIC PVC Conveyor Belts Supplied

endless pvc conveyor belt HIC-Universal

PVC conveyor-belt length max single roll up to 300 METERS in open ends, subject to
Minimum order quantity of 20 meters (=65 feet) in single specification of belt size.

Packed in rolls or reels with wooden roll inside sea worthy jute hessian or HDPE.

Length of pvc-conveyor belts in Endless cold vulcanized double finger splices joints
manufactured with special HIC Universal technical expertise.

Units Conversion Formula
PVC Conveyor Belting
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